Think Ayurvedic Skincare Is Too Good to Be True? We Have News for You!

We are in the age where social media is often seen glamorising outer beauty to an extent that women start feeling bad about themselves. We need to shift the attention towards true natural beauty and skincare. 

This is where India’s 5000 years old science of Ayurved can help us. Ayurveda is based on ancient Indian science and medicines. It emphasises on taking care of your mental and physical health by balancing your physical and mental health. 

What Is Ayurveda’s Approach To Skincare? 

Ayurveda has a holistic meaning of skincare that includes inner, outer, and lasting beauty, “Roopam, Gunam, vayastyaga, it shubhanga karanam.” Ayurveda works on the root causes of your skin problems to give you a lasting solution. 

For example, people with dry skin will keep on slathering their face and body with a lot of moisturizers. While this is a good practice, it does not offer a long-lasting solution. Ayurveda on the other hand will use natural herbs and medicines to cure your dryness from within your skin cells.

Benefits Of Ayurvedic Skincare

#1. Personalised Skincare

Ayurveda defines 6 skin types and proposes different methods to take care of them. These skin types are: 

  • Vata: Dry, thin, cool, easily dehydrated skin
  • Pitta: Sensitive or photosensitive skin
  • Kapha: Moist and oily skin
  • Vata-Pitta: Dry and sensitive
  • Pitta-Kapha: Oily and Sensitive
  • Vata-Kapha: Dry with Oily zones

You can find your perfect skincare routine by understanding the dishes that your skin has. 

#2. Inner and Lasting Beauty

It is famously said that beauty is a reflection of your inner happiness. We totally agree. You look good when you feel good. Ayurveda addresses your overall health to give you a natural glow that lasts. 

#3. Natural Skincare

Ayurvedic skincare is based on the use of natural plant-based ingredients that do not contain chemicals and toxins that harm your skin cells. This is one of the most important reasons why you should choose ayurvedic beauty products over others. 

At Nourish Mantra, we provide you with natural skincare products made with ayurvedic ingredients that are blended with modern scientific solutions to give you the best skin care treatment. To know more about our products, visit our website. 

To Conclude

Ayurveda takes care of your health by considering that stress, diet, and even hormones play a big role in your skincare. It is a natural way of treating your skin problems and getting your glowing skin back.  

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