• 5 Best Anti-Aging Tips For Your Skin

    Aging is a natural process. We cannot stop it. But can we fool the world to believe that we are younger than our age? We definitely can! 

    Here are some anti-aging tips to get your natural youthful glow back. 

    1. Get Updated On Anti-Aging Supplements 

    Food supplements like omega 3s found in salmon are found to delay wrinkles and premature aging. Vitamin C also works on tightening your skin. Carotenoids also delay premature aging by fitting against UV damage. 

    All these supplements can boost your body’s internal defense against signs of aging. Speak to your doctor before starting any kind of food supplement for your skin issues. 

    1. Use Retinoids

    Retinoids are the prescription-strength version of Vitamin A. They are active molecules that help increase collagen in your skin. Collagen is the protein responsible for keeping our skin firm and smooth. 

    Good retinol serum is used as a night treatment 2-3 times a week. It will induce the production of collagen in your skin and make it look wrinkle-free. 

    1. Do Not Skip Sunscreen

    We highly advise you to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30  and more. UV rays can cause age spots and pigmentations that induce premature aging in your skin. We also advise you to switch to moisturizing sunscreen and get rid of the ones containing alcohol. 

    1. Use A Richer Face Moisturizer

    The oil glands of your face can become less active with age. Thus, your skin needs a more hydrating moisturizer. An excellent natural moisturizer will make your fine lines disappear and make your wrinkles less visible. 

    Use Nourish Mantra Urban Rani Youth Preserve Cream, which is an intensive rich-textured youth preserve cream impeccably formulated to minimize and prevent signs of aging. It is enriched with the rarest and most potent ayurvedic ingredients, including okra and gotu kola.

    It also contains hyaluronic acid, highly known for its ability to hydrate and revitalize the skin. This is one of the best anti-aging creams. 

    Nourish Mantra Youth Restoration Serum is the best anti-aging serum. Made from a blend of natural and new-age ingredients like Bakuchiol Seed Oil and Retinol, this lightweight serum heals and rejuvenates your skin.

    1. Avoid Alcohol and Sugar In Diet

    Refined sugar in ice creams and other processed food is not good for the health of your skin. If you want plump and glowing skin in your 30s, try cutting on such sources of sugar. 

    Alcohol increases urine production and dehydrates your body leading to dryness of the skin. This can further cause your skin to sag and show fine lines. Start cutting on your alcohol uptake right now, if you desire a flawless complexion in your 30s. 

    To Conclude

    Using the right skin care product can make a huge difference in your anti-aging skincare journey. Use natural skincare products from Nourish Mantra built with the power of Ayurveda and backed by scientific formulations to give you the best solution for anti-aging. 

  • Natural Beauty: Organic or Ayurvedic?

    With the growing levels of pollution and other environmental problems, the beauty industry is shifting back towards the natural beauty route. Two main types of natural beauty products that are trending in the market are organic skincare products and ayurvedic skincare products. 

    But do you know the difference between these two? Don’t worry! This article will help you figure out the difference. 

    • Organic Skincare

    Organic skincare products are made with naturally derived ingredients. To find out if a brand is organic, you need to see if it has accreditations and certifications of being an organic brand.  On top of that, they also need to have purely organic ingredients. 

    This means, for example, they need to specify if their plant was grown in organic soil ( soil that is free from pesticide, fertilizers, genetically modified seeds, hormones, steroids, etc., for at least eight years).

    They must also specify the process of extraction used for their oils, body butter, or waxes. Their products also need to be free from any preservatives to qualify for the organic tag.

    Every country has different efficacy norms and raw material standards for organic skincare products. The organic brand that you trust must be transparent enough to list down all these norms and regulations on their website. 

    • Ayurvedic Skincare

    Ayurvedic is an ancient medicinal practice in India that focuses on holistic wellness. It includes beauty in the forms of inner, outer, and lasting beauty. 

      “Roopam, Gunam, vayastyaga, it shubhanga karanam.”

    Ayurveda works on the root causes of your skin problems to give you a lasting solution. Ayurvedic skincare is based on the use of natural plant-based ingredients that do not contain chemicals and toxins that harm your skin cells.

    To get the best ayurvedic skincare products, visit Nourish Mantra. We use the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda and blend it with modern scientific solutions to give you the best of both worlds.

    Our products are 100% vegan and cruelty-free. Our natural products are “clean” and come in plastic neutral packaging. 

    The Difference 

    The basic difference between ayurvedic skincare products and organic skincare products lies in the ingredients that they use. Both of them use plant-derived ingredients. However, ayurvedic ingredients could use some chemicals that are good for your skin. 

    Some of the lab-made chemicals are incredibly beneficial for your skin (for example, Polysorbate). What natural ayurvedic products offer are skincare ingredients free from harmful chemicals like parabens, phthalates, artificial fragrances, etc


    The market is filled with products claiming to be organic or natural. We advise you not to trust their words blindly and instead look at their ingredient list and the certification tag. These two things can help you identify good brands from a list of bad ones.

  • The Most Trusted Guide to Face Serum For Oily Skin

    Every day people are increasingly coming towards the idea of self-love and self-care. They understand that it is not an easy road, yet they still try their best to follow and commit to it. Each person has a unique stand on how they want to take care of themselves. However, one common one is to take care of their skin.

    Today, if anyone is thinking about a skin care routine, a face serum definitely pops into their head. This new skincare product entered and made everyone an instant fan. Let’s understand more about this great product!

    What is a Face Serum?

    A facial serum is a concentrated liquid enriched with active ingredients known to tackle several skin problems. This lightweight formula cures and prevents uneven skin texture, pigmentation, blemishes, spots, aging, etc. They are water-based skincare products with a gel-like tendency that helps them penetrate deeper into the skin.

    There are many types like face serum for oily skin, dry, dull, etc. According to skin concerns, their ingredients vary. However, most of them are rich in potent ingredients like hyaluronic acid, retinol, vitamin C, or niacinamide, amongst others. 

    Top 3 Ingredients to Look For in a Face Serum For Oily Skin

    All of these contain different ingredients, from the best night serum for the face to the one for skin dullness. Components of a face serum determine its use and the various skin problems it will solve. Since oily skin is quite prevalent, here are the three must-have ingredients in a face serum for oily skin.

    • Niacinamide

    Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B₃ and an essential ingredient in a face serum for oily skin. Niacinamide controls oil production, reducing the constant shine on oily faces. It also helps in reducing sebum and minimizing the size of the pores.

    • Hyaluronic Acid 

    Hyaluronic acid is everyone’s new favorite. It is the most common ingredient for hydration and the most effective one as well. This naturally occurring ingredient hydrates the skin while balancing the oily patches.

    • Salicylic Acid

    Salicylic acid is absolutely essential in all acne-fighting serums. Since oily skin often leads to acne, the best serum for any skin should contain this powerhouse ingredients. It is an incredible exfoliant that unclogs pores while diminishing inflammation and redness.

    Check out Acne Clarifying Serum, a natural face serum for oily skin. This skincare product by Nourish Mantra will help soap excess oil and fight acne-causing bacteria, giving a smooth skin texture.

     Don’t wait anymore. Get this face serum for oily skin for clear, smooth skin.

  • 7 Must Do’s and Don’ts To Know While Using A Natural Skin Cleanser

    Washing the face after a long day at work or as soon as you get up is almost second nature now. Everyone knows how to wash their face, which is the most crucial part of the skin care routine. So intrinsically, natural face cleanser has also become essential.

    Even though natural skin cleanser is an integral part of everyone’s daily life, there are still many things that most don’t know about it. To help gain the most benefits from a natural skin cleanser, here is a list of do’s and don’ts.

    Don’t: Stop at the chin

    Both the jawline and neck are as much prone to dirt and debris buildup as your face. Which means they need to be cleansed property too. Spread the natural skin cleanser to the neck and massage properly with gentle fingers in an upward motion.

    Do: Completely remove the makeup first

    The face needs to be free of any makeup before one proceeds to cleanse. Even the best natural face wash won’t do its job properly if makeup isn’t removed. It is because makeup clogs the pores obstructing the cleanser from finding its job.

    Don’t: Take out a generic bar soap

    Unless a bar soap is specially designed for the face, do not use it. General body soaps are formulated to tackle a bit tougher skin on the body and, if used on the face, can alter the skin’s pH balance. 

    Do: Always use lukewarm water to rinse

    The extreme temperature of the water can cause irritation and redness on your face. That is why it is advised to take the middle road. So, always use luke water while using a natural skin cleanser no matter what season is on.

    Don’t: become a tool fanatic 

    There are too many cleaning tools available in the market. However, not all of them are good for the face. These cleansing tools such as loofah and sponges can easily become a center of bacteria infestation if not cleaned properly. This is why it is safe to stick to your fingers to clean the face. 

    Do: Pat dry with a soft and clean towel

    Harshly rubbing the face with a towel or leaving it to air dry, neither is a good option. Both these can leave the skin dry and irritated. The best easy to dry the skin after cleansing is by gently patting it with a soft and clean towel.

    Don’t: Overwash the face 

    Be it while you’re showering or at your sink, ensure that you use the natural skin cleanser only twice a day and not more. Over-washing isn’t good for the skin and can leave it dry, rough, and irritated.  
    Everyone will get the best possible results from a natural skin cleanser with these tips. If anyone still doesn’t have a natural cleanser, hop on the team and get one! To begin, try Nourish Mantra’sCucumber Mint Upvan Facial Cleanser, a fantastic natural cleanser for all skin types. Go purchase today and try out all these do’s and don’ts.

  • Think Ayurvedic Skincare Is Too Good to Be True? We Have News for You!

    We are in the age where social media is often seen glamorising outer beauty to an extent that women start feeling bad about themselves. We need to shift the attention towards true natural beauty and skincare. 

    This is where India’s 5000 years old science of Ayurved can help us. Ayurveda is based on ancient Indian science and medicines. It emphasises on taking care of your mental and physical health by balancing your physical and mental health. 

    What Is Ayurveda’s Approach To Skincare? 

    Ayurveda has a holistic meaning of skincare that includes inner, outer, and lasting beauty, “Roopam, Gunam, vayastyaga, it shubhanga karanam.” Ayurveda works on the root causes of your skin problems to give you a lasting solution. 

    For example, people with dry skin will keep on slathering their face and body with a lot of moisturizers. While this is a good practice, it does not offer a long-lasting solution. Ayurveda on the other hand will use natural herbs and medicines to cure your dryness from within your skin cells.

    Benefits Of Ayurvedic Skincare

    #1. Personalised Skincare

    Ayurveda defines 6 skin types and proposes different methods to take care of them. These skin types are: 

    • Vata: Dry, thin, cool, easily dehydrated skin
    • Pitta: Sensitive or photosensitive skin
    • Kapha: Moist and oily skin
    • Vata-Pitta: Dry and sensitive
    • Pitta-Kapha: Oily and Sensitive
    • Vata-Kapha: Dry with Oily zones

    You can find your perfect skincare routine by understanding the dishes that your skin has. 

    #2. Inner and Lasting Beauty

    It is famously said that beauty is a reflection of your inner happiness. We totally agree. You look good when you feel good. Ayurveda addresses your overall health to give you a natural glow that lasts. 

    #3. Natural Skincare

    Ayurvedic skincare is based on the use of natural plant-based ingredients that do not contain chemicals and toxins that harm your skin cells. This is one of the most important reasons why you should choose ayurvedic beauty products over others. 

    At Nourish Mantra, we provide you with natural skincare products made with ayurvedic ingredients that are blended with modern scientific solutions to give you the best skin care treatment. To know more about our products, visit our website. 

    To Conclude

    Ayurveda takes care of your health by considering that stress, diet, and even hormones play a big role in your skincare. It is a natural way of treating your skin problems and getting your glowing skin back.  

  • Which is the best anti-aging serum and skin cream 

    While choosing a concern-specific product, you’ll have to play really smart. There are a lot of products and brands out there presenting “best anti-aging serums and organic skin creams.” Blurry but shiny representations can even confuse the smartest person in the room. To find the perfect anti-aging miracle, you must know all about your skin and the ingredients it needs. 

    Products in highlight: Youth Restoration Serum and Youth Preserve Cream by Nourish Mantra. 

    Here are some notable points on skincare products and anti-aging ingredients. 

    • Skincare products are very choosy, especially anti-aging formulations. They leave a distinct effect on each skin type. Products labeled as ‘suitable for all skin types are often safer. 
    • Natural products certified as Vegan or organic ensure maximum nutrition and safety.  
    • Some anti-aging ingredients like retinol and lactic acid are only effective at night. They don’t go well with sunlight. Even the best anti-aging serum can harm your skin when used carelessly.  

    Exploring Youth Restoration Serum 

    You know that the basic work of any anti-aging product should be to reduce visible signs of aging. Whereas the best anti-aging serum will work to fight the root causes of the problem. These are the targets of Youth Restoration Serum: 

    • Naturally fade blemishes, wrinkles, and pigmentation.  
    • Protect and repair UV damage. 
    • Fight free radical damage. 
    • Balance skin hydration levels to prevent dryness. 
    • Increase collagen production in the skin and delay skin aging. 
    • Strengthen the skin’s lipid barrier. 

    Why did we highest it as the best anti-aging serum? 

    The reason is its dreamy formulation and jaw-dropping results. It is certified Vegan and is also based on Ayurvedic formulation. Both of these factors ensure safe and extensive skin healing. It has a remarkable combination of herbs, multivitamins, minerals, and natural substances: 

    • Vitamin A: Bakuchiol Seed Oil and Retinol 
    • Multivitamins: Papaya 
    • Vitamin C: Citrus Limon Juice 
    • Proteins and minerals: Pomegranate and Jimaca 
    • Vitamin E: Thanaka Wood Powder 
    • Hyaluronic Acid 

    Do you know that many of those “best anti-aging serums” only focus on skin peeling? This is just a temporary way. In contrast, the youth restoration serum actually works as a strong solution by restoring and holding the youthfulness of the skin. 

    The other half of this serum is Youth Preserve Cream. You need a perfect, lightweight cream to protect the healing nutrition inside and leave a silky finish on the skin. Among plenty of natural and organic skin creams, this luxurious anti-aging delight comes with added benefits of lavender, cocoa butter, and tamarind. Bonus points to a lovely formula that you can apply anytime- day or night. 

    Along with such potent skincare products, your diet and exercise routine is a major player to strengthen your immunity, hormonal balance, and blood circulation. It’s a perfectly balanced approach to youthful and radiant skin.  

  • The Best Skincare Starter Pack For Every Newbie

    Everyone needs to take care of their skin. You can begin your self-care journey using a perfect skincare starter pack. With just 3 products and simple application steps, you can take off real good. However, choosing the correct products might be a bumpy ride. Some might not suit your skin; others could just be unnecessary. 

    This article will help straighten out the basics of skincare and lay down the essential products to have in your skincare starter pack.

    Which is an ideal skincare starter set?

    An ideal skincare starter set would be the one that can help you with the basic hygiene and healthcare routine of your skin. The primary skincare goals should be:

    1. Safe and correct ingredients.
    2. Clean and detoxified skin.
    3. Hydrated and nourished skin.

    Must-haves in your skincare starter pack 

    Your set should have only those products that fulfill all the above requirements: skin safety, purification, and nourishment.

    Avoid synthetic and toxin-based products. Go for natural, vegan, organic, or Ayurvedic sets. Check for their certification to ensure safe and healthy ingredients. If the products are suitable for all skin types and concerns, that would be a perfect start.

    Top 3 essentials in a skincare starter set

    Cooling gel cleanser

    A purifying and cooling cleanser would be the perfect choice for your day and night routine. It should cleanse your skin without making it dry. Ingredients like cucumber, mint, aloe vera, and niacinamide are excellent skin purifiers and rejuvenators. They leave the skin hydrated and avoid messing with its pH balance.

    Face moisturizer with SPF for the day.

    Thick body sunscreens can block the pores of your facial skin. All the impurities will just stick to the greasy surface, making it look unclean and oily. If a skincare starter pack has a face moisturizer with SPF powers, you’ve got a winner. The moisturizer should be very lightweight and have SPF 15 or above.

    Nourishing night cream.

    Nighttime is the best time for your skin. It can relax, heal and charge on its own. After cleansing your face, apply a nourishing night cream rich in healing herbs like Okra, Gotu Kola, and Moringa. Look for a moisturizing base of Sheat Butter, Cocoa butter, and Hyaluronic acid.

    Why do you need to start with the basics?

    Before you address your skincare issues, you must make sure that your skincare starter pack can set right your basic skincare routine. Why? Because most skin problems arise due to negligence. Below are the major factors that lead to changes in our skin:

    • Prolonged exposure to UV rays and screen time.
    • Imbalanced diet and less water intake.
    • Wrong or no skincare routine. 

    It can be hormonal imbalance or side effects of medications in some cases. 

    If you work on the basics first, you can eliminate half of the problems. A cup of green tea, 15 minutes of meditation, and a wonderful skincare starter pack. This would be the perfect way to start and end your day!

  • Are natural and organic body lotions better?

    A body lotion is an essential part of your daily hygiene and skincare routine. If your skin is dry and flaky, it is more prone to cracks and premature skin aging. Keeping your skin hydrated is the biggest step to maintaining healthy, younger, problem-free skin. After every shower, applying a natural or organic body lotion is the best and easiest way to hydrate and nourish your skin.

    Organic and vegan skincare products are entirely based on natural ingredients. Suppose you wonder why natural, then the only answer is that they are effective and safer for your skin. Go through this article to understand how. You can also find an authentic brand and choose the best natural body lotion on your own.

    Why natural and organic body lotions are better

    Your skin is like a sponge. It soaks around 60% of things that come in contact, and everything gets mixed up in your bloodstream. That’s why it’s important to choose a natural or organic body lotion. It will be free from all harmful chemicals that can go inside your body and mess with your hormones and internal organs.

    Here are some of the ingredients found in synthetic body lotions that can harm your skin.

    • Butylated Ingredients: Also known as BHT or BHA, these are synthetic chemicals used as preservatives in many cosmetic and skincare products. They can harm your reproductive organs and cause skin irritation. Parabens also fall under this category. The best natural body lotion will never include such an ingredient in their products.

    Note: Don’t confuse them with natural BHA or Beta Hydroxy Acids. These are two different things. Alpha and Beta Hydroxy acids are already present in your body, plants, fruits, and natural skincare products. For example, lactic, malic, glycolic, and salicylic acids.

    • Ethanolamine: If you see MEA, DEA, and TEA in a body lotion, know that they are synthetic chemicals. They are used for fragrance, emulsifying effect, and changing skin’s pH level. According to research by Safe Cosmetics and many other organizations, these chemicals are linked to organ toxicity and even liver cancer. Natural and organic body lotions restrict these ingredients.
    • Formaldehyde:

    It is a common ingredient found in synthetic cosmetics and skincare products, including body lotions. It gets easily absorbed into the skin and is widely discussed to irritate. Researchers also link it with skin cancer.

    To avoid such risks, trustworthy brands create vegan and organic body lotions, considering your body’s long-term health and safety.

    • Look for certified organic, natural, or vegan brands.
    • Surf their websites and read the product descriptions.
    • Understand each ingredient properly.

    It is the correct way to find the best natural body lotion for your skin.

  • Here’s why you need to take extra care of your hands

    Our hands do so much for us – from writing, typing, cooking, exercising, cleaning, and just about everything else. Yet, considering how our hands are our everyday tools, it is surprising how so many of us pay little to no attention to taking extra care of them. 

    Like so many of us, Nora has been washing and sanitizing her hands incessantly since the pandemic started. Unfortunately, over the months, her hands have developed flakes and cracks that are sometimes painful and often unpleasant to look at. Therefore, it is extremely crucial for Nora or anyone else to invest in a natural hand lotion that nourishes and moisturizes her hands deeply.

    Exposure to sun, rain, pollution and harsh chemicals strips our hands of their natural oils and moisture, leaving them dry and prone to premature aging. Cracked and dry hands are also susceptible to infections and other skin conditions such as eczema. With the regular use of organic hand lotions, you can ensure that your hands stay soft, supple, and nourished.

    When shopping for nourishing products for your hands, it is always a good idea to opt for natural hand lotions over synthetic ones. 

    Unfortunately, a lot of the skincare and wellness products that we end up using contain harmful chemicals and ingredients that are harsh on your skin and the environment. For example, synthetic or artificial ingredients such as parabens, phthalates, and sulfates get absorbed into the skin and have been linked to various health problems, including cancer.  

    With authentic ayurvedic skincare products, you can rest assured that you are exposing your skin to only the best of what’s out there. Moreover, the absence of harsh chemicals reduces the chance of any kind of allergic or adverse reaction, irritation, and inflammation. With regular use, you can delay your hands from aging prematurely, leaving them nourished and moisturized.

    One of the best organic hand lotions in the beauty aisles today, NourishMantra’s  Vetiver and Lavender Upayas Hand Lotion. It is enriched with natural, nourishing ingredients such as Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, and Shea Butter. The formulation also contains Vetiver Root Oil and Lavender Oil, which not only heals your damaged skin but also soothes your senses with its light aroma. And if you are like our patron Natasha who is environmentally conscious and an animal lover, you’re in for a treat as all our wellness and beauty products are vegan, cruelty-free, and sans any nasties. 

    If you’re someone who struggles to remember to moisturize their hands, keeping a bottle or tube of hand and body lotion on your bedside table can work as a reminder for you to moisturize before you hit the bed. For when you’re out and about, get a travel-friendly pack for moisturization on the go! While you are at it, we would like to share another one of our best beauty tips – don’t forget to pay attention to your nails. For stronger and shinier nails, invest in a good nail or cuticle cream.

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